Our Seafood
For the Sophisticated Palate…
At Fish Tales, fish is our forte! As experts in fresh fish and seafood, we serve you the best the sea has to offer. While our selection changes daily, here are some favorites you’ll commonly find at our store in Cobble Hill. Read below to learn more about some of the different varieties of fish and shellfish frequently offered at our market. Follow the links for some tasty recipe suggestions.
Arctic Char
With a succulent texture and a distinctive flavor somewhere between salmon and trout, this beautiful silver fish with pink speckles is rapidly gaining a place in the culinary world. Like salmon, Arctic Char is anadromous, spending part of its life in salt water, returning to freshwater to spawn. Native to Canada and Iceland, in the wild it can grow to 25 pounds. Thanks to aquaculture, an abundance of farmed raised Arctic Char from both these northern provinces is now readily available year round.
Basa is in the catfish family but has a different taste than USA domestic catfish. Originating from Vietnam, this catfish has a buttery and sweet flavor. Basa also doesn’t have the muddy flavor that most domestic catfishes share.
Black Cod
If black cod were more readily available, we’d eat it all the time. Its flesh is supremely oily, with a deep, rich flavor and a meaty texture. Like salmon and swordfish, it is wonderfully juicy when cooked properly and responds well to any cooking method.
Black Sea Bass
The word bass is common in the fish kingdom. Its firm flesh makes it especially suitable for frying, steaming, broiling, or roasting whole.
Blue Fish
Bluefish are a plentiful and inexpensive migratory fish found along the eastern seaboard of the United States — from the Gulf of Mexico to New England. Named for the bluish color along its back, bluefish are fierce fighters and are highly prized by sports fishermen.
What has become one of the most popular Mediterranean sea bass’, Branzino is now widely available in most regions and restaurants around the country.
Chilean Sea Bass
What we commonly call “Chilean sea bass” is not really a bass, but a Patagonian Toothfish! This is an exquisite fish with black & white speckled skin and beautiful soft white flesh.
All clams are either hard-shell or soft-shell (razor clams, which look like straight razors and can have sharp edges, can be considered soft-shells). Within each category, the smaller clams are more tender, the larger ones tougher.
The Cobia, also known as cabio in the U.S. Gulf Coast, is found in all tropical and warm-temperate waters and occurs in the western Atlantic from Cape Cod to Argentina. This fish has no related species and is in a family by itself.
Cod’s firm white flesh is ideal for salting, and salt cod became a staple in both diet and trade for the new colonies of America. Today, the cod fish family is some of the world’s most important and popular fish.
Often called white sea bass, Corvina is not really part of the large bass family but part of the drum and croaker family. This large, diverse family of fish gets their name from the unusual sounds they make — when a drumming muscle hits its air bladder.
Crab Meat
Crabs of all types are among the most delicious crustaceans.
Sole, flounder, turbot, dab, and halibut belong to the same unique flatfish family. With the exception of halibut, and some large flounders and turbots, most are small, in the 1 to 3-lb range. The different species vary greatly in quality, taste, and texture.
Fish called sole, flounder, turbot, and halibut belong to the same unique family of flatfish. These fish have oval-shaped bodies that are dark on top and light on the bottom, with odd-looking eyes on the same (top) side of their heads. They are bottom dwellers, propelling themselves with a wave-like motion along the sandy bottom of the sea.
The “king of crustaceans” can be divided into two groups: large clawed lobsters and spiny lobsters. They can grow up to 40 lbs, but nowadays, anything over 8 lbs is rare, as most are sold in the 1 to 3-lb range.
Mahi Mahi
Hard to believe that this popular, delicious fish was once a discarded by-catch of the tuna industry. Associated with Hawaii because of its name, this beautifully colored fish is found in warm waters all around the world.
Beneath this bizarre appearance lies the tail of a succulent fish. Nicknamed “The Poor Man’s Lobster”.
Blue mussels, the most common of the species in the United States, are grown along the coasts of New England and the Pacific Northwest. Most mussels don’t require any more complicated preparation than a quick rinse.
Nile Perch
Perch is often considered to be the best-tasting of all freshwater fish. Mild and firm, these filets can stand in for many varieties of filets in everyday recipes.
Our favorite cephalopod! Great to grill, boil, and more!
Orange Roughy
With pearly white flesh and an almost crab-like taste, this tender, flaky fish is perfect all by itself. As deep-water fish are recommended for ceviche, orange roughy is excellent for this dish.
Raw or cooked, oysters are always a delectable treat!
Pompano is an esteemed fish that can be quite expensive when fresh. Its white, somewhat oily flesh is meaty and sweet, especially when broiled, grilled, or cooked in pouches.
Rainbow Trout
A distant cousin to salmon, rainbow trout thrive in both fresh and saltwater. High in fat and omega-3 oil, the tender meat of a trout is excellent grilled, smoked, and like salmon, wonderful served cold.
Red Snapper
There are more than 250 different species of snapper found in the warm seas throughout the world. The best-known and finest to eat is the American red snapper, which is bright red all over, including the eyes and fins.
Salmon may be prepared using many techniques, and among the most popular presentations are poached, baked in pastry puff, or grilled. Salmon is available fresh, smoked, or cured as Gravlox.
When most people think of sardines, they envision the classic canned sardine, which is unfortunate since fresh sardines are absolutely delicious. Atlantic and Spanish sardines, which are commonly found fresh, are best for broiling and grilling.
Bay Scallops
Like clams and oysters, scallops are bivalves (two-shelled mollusks). Delicate and sweet in taste, they are a gourmet’s delight for quick sautés and Coquille St. Jacques.
Sea Scallops
Harvested year-round in the North Atlantic, sea scallops range from mild to quite briny. They are best cooked so that their interior remains creamy.
Sea Bream
The Sea Bream is in the same family as Porgies, but with a sweeter taste. Its firm flesh makes it especially suitable for frying, steaming, broiling, or roasting whole.
Shrimp is one of the most popular crustaceans. The flesh has a sweet flavor and a firm, almost crisp texture.
Skate has seen a meteoric rise in popularity in the last few years. Most market-bought skate is fully cleaned and ready to cook. It has tender ridged flesh and a sweet, delicate, and moist flavor.
Grey Sole
Sole, flounder, turbot, dab, and halibut belong to the same unique flatfish family. With the exception of halibut, and some large flounders and turbots, most are small, in the 1 to 3-lb range. The different species vary greatly in quality, taste, and texture.
Lemon Sole
Fun fact—Lemon Sole doesn’t taste lemony at all! Instead, it got its name from the natural color of the fish’s skin. As with all members of this family, Lemon Sole is very lean and easily prepared by simply broiling or elegantly stuffing it with crab meat.
Spanish Mackerel
Mackerel is one of the loveliest, tastiest, cheapest, most versatile, and most plentiful fish available. And yet, it is scorned by many as it is regarded as too strong-flavored, oily, and fishy.
Striped Bass
Although modern sportsmen eagerly search for a trophy bass that tips the scales at 50 lbs or more, the truth is that striped bass are at their prime when they weigh between 6 to 10 lbs. Bass is magnificent when fresh!
American swordfish tend to be larger, sweeter, and moister, especially from the Pacific. Most harvested fish range from 100 to 300 lbs. Public awareness of undersized fishing has brought change to the industry to help ensure the health of the species for future generations.
Tilapia are available all year round. There are many varieties, with colors ranging from gray to bright red. Their flesh is firm, white, and moist, with a pleasant, sweet flavor.
Yellowfin Tuna, the most abundant of the tuna species, is the mildest and most versatile. Top-quality yellowfin can be simply eaten raw as sashimi, rolled as sushi, or quickly pan-seared like a fine steak.
Turbot has the most distinct texture, being both denser and softer than other flatfish. They can be simply broiled or rolled and stuffed.